The EF SET supplies the data for the EF English Proficiency Index (EF EPI), an annual ranking of countries by their level of English. After anonymization, every EF SET score is used as a data point for the EF EPI, which means that simply by testing their English, hundreds of thousands of people participate in this valuable research each year.
Because the EF SET is a free English test, it is only logical that the results also be shared. That is the aim of the EF EPI. Thanks to its sample size and frequency, the EF EPI now serves as a benchmark for individual English learners, English teachers, schools, companies, and policy makers. Thousands of schools and universities are using the EF SET to assess their students and see how they compare to the national and local English levels as reported in the EF EPI.
The EF EPI website has a wealth of information and interactive displays to help make this huge data set accessible to anyone. The annual reports are also available for download on the site, as well as detailed fact sheets about individual countries and their regional proficiency levels. If you’d like to participate in the next edition of the EF EPI, it’s quite simple – take the EF SET!
نتائج متوافقة مع مستويات CEFR
Results fully aligned with CEFR levels
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نتائج تقديرية متوافقة مع مستويات CEFR
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